I have the Zeiss 28mm f2.8 lens but it isn't glass I reach for all that often. I'm not sure why. It's such a great lens and such a useful focal length. I should grab it out of the bag a bit more.
These shots were at the local rodeo as I waited for the main events to start. With the 28mm you don't need to use a Viewfinder because both the Zeiss Ikon and Leica M9 have bright lines for the focal length.
The lens is small compared to a dSLR lens and with the rangefinder camera the combo is very light, portable and easy to carry for the day. Great images too, since it has the quality we've come to expect from Zeiss.

Rob Skeoch

My retail store for rangefinder photo supplies is http://www.rangefinderstore.com
A wonderful lens! I'm using it as a 35mm-equivalent on my M8, and I'm really fond of its rendering. Tack sharp wide open, with the typical Zeiss macro- and microcontrast, colours and 3D-ness.