Sunday, January 6, 2013

Trying to lighten the bag

For the past number of years I've hauled my gear around in a Billingham L2 bag. It's been around China, through Haiti's slums and to every rodeo I could find last summer. I would put one camera around my neck, and put another in the bag with a lens on it, and two more lenses. Throw in a spare battery, meter and a few rolls of film and I was ready to go.

As I work on my documentary on north Hamilton I've been hauling around much less gear than in the past. I have the M9 with the Zeiss Biogon 28mm on it and the Zeiss Sonnar 50mm f1.5 in the bag for low light shots. Then all I need to round out the bag is my light meter, spare batteries, cards in a "Think Tank" card holder, lens cloth, over priced Moleskine notebook and a couple pens.

It's still a fair amount of gear but the bag seems large all of a sudden.

This week I switched to the Billingham Hadley Digital bag. It's much smaller than the L2. It still holds the camera with the 28mm lens on it, the 50mm, meter, a battery, lens cloth, pen and spare cards. The only thing that doesn't fit is that overpriced Moleskine notebook but I picked up a small notebook for a buck or two. I've tried it a couple times and the smaller size is nicer to carry around.

Rob Skeoch

Although I've worked as a photographer all my life, I'm currently back at school trying to finish my Masters in Fine Art Degree at the Maine Media Workshops and College. Peter Turnley is my current one-on-one mentor for this semester and the project I'm working on is a documentary on north Hamilton.
My retail store for rangefinder gear and Zeiss lenses is
My retail store for large format photo supplies is

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