I received a note from Zeiss today that they have released the 35mm F1.4 Distagon in both the Canon EOS ZE and Nikon ZF.2 mounts.
The cost for either lens is $1843.
I have ordered one of each. Shipping is early 2011. If you would like to order one you can contact me through my website.... www.bigcameraworkshops.com, or send me an email.

More info below...
OBERKOCHEN, September 1, 2010 – A woman is sitting at the bar of a dimly-lit cafe. Lost in thoughts, she doesn’t notice the glass of wine the bartender places before her. From a distance, a photographer tries to capture her mood. He brings her face, which is leaning toward her phone, into focus. Everything around her becomes a blur, and the lights in the background coalesce into a wild “dance” of diffuse shapes. This shot will only work with a fast lens with short focal length and harmonious bokeh. Carl Zeiss introduces a new lens for just such images: the Distagon T* 1,4/35.
By introducing the Distagon T* 1,4/35, Carl Zeiss is complementing the Planar T*1,.4/50 and T*1,4/85 lenses with a wide-angle lens that shares the same high speed. Crisp, sharp images work every time, whether at dusk or in the weak lighting conditions of a café, and without the need for a tripod.
Due to the special bokeh effects in both the foreground and background areas, the Distagon T*1,4/35 opens up new creative possibilities, giving photographers more options to ‘play’ with focus. Thanks to its large focus ring, photographers can also create highly accurate, sharp pictures, even at maximum aperture opening. This also makes the lens an ideal addition to the filmmaker using DSLR’s for HD video capture. In addition, the optical construction of the lens guarantees high image quality across the entire image range.
The Distagon T*1,4/35’s extremely long-lasting and robust all-metal precision mechanics, for which Carl Zeiss is known, make this lens perfect for use on-the-go and for photo reports.
The Distagon T* 1,4/35 will be available in first quarter of 2011 at a retail price of $1,843 USD.
Technical specifications Focal length 35 mm
Aperture range f/1.4 - f/16
Number of elements/groups 11/9
Focusing area 0.3 m - infinity
Angular field** (diag./horiz./vert.) 63/54/37 °
Coverage at close range 18 x 12 cm (close-up)
Image ratio at close range 1:5 (close-up)
Filter thread M 72 x 0.75
Weight 830 – 850 g
Length with caps 120 – 122 mm
Diameter 78 mm
Mounts ZF.2 (F bayonet) ZE (EF bayonet)
* As of September 01, 2010
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